
Showing posts from August, 2017

Yellowhammer: Opelika’s Randy Price Will Run for Alabama Senate

Randy Price, a businessman and farmer from Opelika, has announced his candidacy for the Alabama Senate District 13. The district represents portions of Chambers, Cherokee, Clay, Cleburne, Lee, and Randolph counties. Price announced his candidacy in Heflin on Monday as he travelled the district to speak with voters and hear their concerns. A small business owner at heart, Price has spent 30 years raising cattle on his family’s farm in Opelika, running his own construction company, and operating a commercial trucking company. Price says he is tired of Montgomery politicians’ “games and the messes they create.” Price’s platforms rests on the fact that he is a “pro-life Christian conservative, no nonsense businessman, second amendment defender, and lifelong small government republican.” In his candidacy announcement on Facebook, Price outlined the issues that he believes face his district. “Hard working families deserve to have someone that will fight for them; cutting the w...

OAnow: Opelika's Randy Price announces candidacy for state Senate

Randy Price of Opelika announced on Monday that he officially is a candidate for the Alabama Senate, District 13, which represents portions of Lee County. "We can do better," Price told his supporters and local officials gathered in front of the Lee County Courthouse on Monday afternoon. "We can do better, Alabama. And we can do better, District 13. But that means coming together as one." Price and his wife, Lee County Revenue Commissioner Oline Price, spent the day touring the district. The pair made stops at the Cleburne, Clay, Randolph and Chambers county courthouses as well. Read more this entire article from Kara Coleman at

Randy Price Announces Candidacy for Alabama Senate District 13

New leadership that will work to protect our conservative values and be our voice in Montgomery. Today, Randy Price announced his candidacy for Alabama State Senate District 13 in a district-wide courthouse tour.  Randy was joined by his wife, friends and supporters at the Cleburne, Clay, Randolph, Chambers, and Lee county courthouses. Senator Gerald Dial, the current State Senator, is not seeking re-election.  The Republican Primary will be held on June 5, 2018.   “I decided to run for State Senate because I believe it’s time to end the politics-as-usual mentality in Montgomery. Our state has been through a lot this year and I want to bring a family values, morals, and business mindset to Montgomery.  It’s time for integrity and a hard work ethic that people can trust.  Hard working families deserve to have someone that will fight for them; cutting the wasteful spending, fighting against new taxes, improving roads and infrastructure, and making sure our ...